How is your time management?

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Nowadays Time Management is something we all struggle with, however, there are some great apps out there to help with this. We asked MAA Secretary General, Matthew Tickle, what technology and apps he uses to help him manage his time.

Digital Notebook – This is a great note taking app that works and syncs across all devices. You can tag your notes to easily find related notes quickly. One of the best features is the ability to email a note directly into your Evernote notebook.
Visit for more info.

Mind Mapping – Every now and again it’s important to take stock of the various things we have going on in our lives, both at home and at work.
Ayoa is a great piece of software to assist with this. The mind maps are super quick and easy to create as your thoughts are flowing.
Visit for more info.

Focus Timer – Pomodoro is actually a technique, rather than an actual app. It is the practice of working (in deep focus) for 25 minutes and then taking a full (away from the desk) break for 5 minutes.
There are so many distractions in today’s life and having a timer running down to a 5-minute break will allow you to ignore those distractions and stay focused for that little bit longer.
Visit for more info.

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